
Managing Shock and Awe: Lessons from Root Shock and Collective Recovery

Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19 and 26 6pm-7pm ET via Zoom The attacks of the Trump administration have upended the world and this kind of upheaval causes “root shock.” Root shock is the traumatic stress reaction to the loss of some or all of our emotional ecosystem. This four-session course will answer the question: How …

Managing Shock and Awe: Lessons from Root Shock and Collective Recovery Read More »


Managing Shock and Awe: Lessons from Root Shock and Collective Recovery

Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19 and 26 6pm-7pm ET via Zoom The attacks of the Trump administration have upended the world and this kind of upheaval causes “root shock.” Root shock is the traumatic stress reaction to the loss of some or all of our emotional ecosystem. This four-session course will answer the question: How …

Managing Shock and Awe: Lessons from Root Shock and Collective Recovery Read More »

Helen and Robert E. Fullilove Chair of Community Health Inauguration

The HUUB, inc 35 Cleveland Street, City of Orange, NJ

Helen and Robert E. Fullilove Chair of Community Health Inauguration Saturday, March 29th, 2pm-4pm We are honored to welcome Dr. Mindy Fullilove in her new role as the Helen and Robert Fullilove Professor of Community Health. We will be celebrating the inauguration of the University's of Orange's first named chair on Saturday, March 29th from […]

April Solidarity Potluck

35 Cleveland St 35 Cleveland Street, City of Orange, NJ

Join us for this month's Solidarity Potluck! Bring a dish, bring a friend! More details coming soon. Monday, April 14th, 6pm-8pm 35 Cleveland Street, Orange, NJ 07050

May Solidarity Potluck

Join us for this month's Solidarity Potluck! Bring a dish, bring a friend! More details coming soon. Monday, May 12th, 6pm-8pm 35 Cleveland Street, Orange, NJ 07050

June Solidarity Potluck

Join us for this month's Solidarity Potluck! Bring a dish, bring a friend! More details coming soon. Monday, June 9th, 6pm-8pm 35 Cleveland Street, Orange, NJ 07050

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