Digital Campus

facts people need and media they can use  

Digital Campus is whereYou can explore content on the Digital Campus in a number of ways. Use the search bar below, explore some of the featured content of this page, or use the menu at the top of the page to search videos, or visit our program pages including Music City, Restoration Urbanism, Collective Recovery, or Cities Research Group.

You can explore past and future events and media from both virtual and in-person programs via this page and our social media channels – instagram, twitter, and facebook.

Featured Digital Campus

Digital Campus History and ‘Getting Through This Moment’

UofO co-founder, Dr. Mindy Fullilove, shared strategies for how we can operate during a period of ‘managed retreat’ on her blog. These included a series of posts on Covid-19, Social Distancing, and Empowered Collaboration. 

In “Getting Through This Moment”, she outlines five principles for ‘getting through the disaster’. These five principles grounded our pandemic response and the formation of our Digital Campus.

  1. Turn on the love
  2. Pay attention to this week’s needs
  3. Fight injustice
  4. Extend and strengthen your network
  5. Build a personal foundation of spirit